In a significant breakthrough for the field of neurosurgery, researchers have developed a cutting-edge brain-mapping device that promises to enhance patient safety during complex procedures involving the brain. This innovative technology, a flexible film embedded with tiny sensors, has...
In a groundbreaking development, Moderna's clinical trial data has shown that its two-in-one vaccine, targeting both influenza and Covid-19, elicits stronger immune responses compared to separate inoculations against these viruses. This promising finding paves the way for a more...
Despite claims circulating online, there is no scientific evidence that sunscreen causes skin cancer. In fact, numerous studies have consistently shown that using sunscreen can significantly reduce the risk of developing various types of skin cancer, including the deadliest...
Medical experts are raising alarms over the growing trend of individuals misusing prescription anti-obesity medications like Wegovy (semaglutide) and Ozempic for cosmetic weight loss purposes without proper medical supervision.
Maintaining good metabolic health is crucial for overall well-being and reducing the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular issues. Here are some effective strategies to boost your metabolic health:
How Healthy Are Avocados? A Comprehensive Look at the Nutritional Benefits and Potential Drawbacks
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide, cherished for its rich flavor and stimulating effects. While many rely on coffee to kickstart their day or boost their energy levels, it’s important to understand what coffee does to...
How Long Concussion Could Offer New Insights into Long COVID
How Air Pollution Is Causing Girls to Get Their First Periods Earlier
How to Choose the Right Running and Walking Shoes: Essential for Your Fitness and Foot Health